Monday, April 9, 2012


As I get ready to leave tomorrow, I look back at my life and realize how blessed I am to have this opportunity. Ever since I have been 5 i have wanted to be a professional baseball player. I have always trusted in God that he would lead me open the door to where I needed to go. I have grown closer to him because my baseball career. I have learn to be patient and trust in him. One of the biggest struggles I had, was when i would see kids that weren't living right and still being blessed with opportunities that I wasn't getting. Thats when I would turn to my families verse( Jeremiah 29;11) Now he has given me this great opportunity. I want to thank all my family for supporting me and encouraging me to follow my dream. My parents have always been there for me, driving to my games, being there when i needed someone to vent to and praying for me daily. They have been there for all the ups and downs, the times Im on top of the world and the days i cant get anyone out. I cant imagine the anount of hours my dad has spent riding in his truck to see me play. I thank God everyday for giving me a christian days that was there to lift me up when i needed it and to chew my butt when that was needed. Mom was always there to remind me of our family verse, she would tell me just trust in him, he knows what he is doing. My sister is my biggest fan for sure. She has always wanted me to follow me dream and has helped me in every way she can. She can't catch a bullpen, but if i need a little more money to make it to a try out she didn't think twice about it. She has never once asked for me to pay her back because she knows how much I love this sport. Then there are my grandparents, who I know prayed for me daily and always wished me good luck and keep working hard. When i told my grandfather the news i think he was more excited then I was. I could tell in his voice how proud of me he was. Even though my moms dad never got to see me pitch I think about him every time I'm out there. I have his name written on the inside of my hat. I have worked my butt off to get to this point in my life. I have made sacrifices through the years to get here. I don't regret them. For example I never had a week long spring break in high school or college. But to me the baseball memories mean so much more. It might sound weird but when I watch old videos of me closing a close game, I get chills. To quote Cy Young "pitchers, like poets, are born not made". Everyone is blessed with different talents and skills, it's how we use those talents to bring glory to God. I am extremely blessed that I get to get paid for my passion and true love in my life. Thank you to everyone that has ever supported me and thanks to all the people that doubted me, you were the fuel to the fire that motivated me to keep working hard and prove you dead wrong.

1 comment:

  1. This brought tears to my eyes! I know we don't get to talk much, and I regret that as your cousin, but I often think about the times when we as a family did get to spend together... the nights at aunt deb's and uncle rich's (and your's and nickki's) house those were the days when "life" was so easy... I stumbled across this poem and thought you might enjoy it. Prayers for you and all your dreams! You've got a great head on your shoulders! Keeping God first is it... You've been blessed because of keeping him first in all you do. God has def. blessed you with your talent, and he's given you a great family to help encourage you on your way. Keep the faith even when times are tough. Good luck! Here's that poem I thought you might enjoy!

    Anything Is Possible

    Anything is possible, if you think it is worthwhile
    If you’re willing to go the distance, to go the extra mile.
    With determination and effort, you can often achieve more
    Because you don’t always get what you wish, but what you work for.
    Dreams can become challenging, but no matter what the cost
    Strive to complete the task before you, and you’ll never end up lost.
    So bring with you your goals, and leave your doubts behind
    Whether you think you can or can’t, you certainly will find
    You’ll be right either way–so never quit, and this is why:
    You’ll never become a failure, until you fail to try.

    Emily (McGaha) Swindell
